Now She Thinks About
Practicing on Her Own

4usic - The App

to compliment

music lessons

Children Think About Practicing on Their Own, ...

No more annoying “Have you practiced today?”. Children think about practicing on their own and stick to it independently. So you’re no longer the annoying “practice-reminding parrot” and can more constructively support your child on their journey in the land of music.


... practice every day ...

It’s better to practice ten minutes every day than one hour once a week – that’s not only what teachers say, but also learning research. With 4usic, children practice every day, so they progress faster and their intrinsic motivation for making music is strengthened.

... and get through motivational lows more easily.

Not everything goes smoothly with an instrument; sometimes children are frustrated, or the new toy is more exciting. Especially during these phases, it is important to stay on track. Through a playful reward system, 4usic motivates your child to practice even during these phases.

Screenshot der App

The 4usic Concept

  • Teachers remain with your child, at home your child practices with 4usic
  • Ages 7 to 12 are the most common users
  • Any instrument can be practiced with 4usic
  • Best data protection thanks to the highest security standards


Playful Reward System

With points, levels, and other game elements, your child is always motivated to practice.

Practice Tracker

You and your child can always see how much has been practiced. So you can see together how it’s going.

Expandable Band

To help children intuitively keep track of their progress, they receive coins with each level and can use them to put together their own band.

Daily Reminders

With daily reminders, children think about practicing on their own.


To ensure your child can concentrate on the instrument, no ads are displayed in the app.

Highest Data Protection

We apply the highest security and data protection requirements to our software so that our young users can safely use 4usic.


“The band is here!” (Called through the house when she discovered the option to put together her own band with her points)

Hannah Profile


10 years old, Guitar

“My two older girls definitely practice more with 4usic and both say that practicing is much easier thanks to the suggested structure. Great joy. My youngest daughter would also love to have the app now.”

Regula Profile


Mother of musical children

“I like that it counts how long I practice. Then I know I’ve completed the half-hour. And I’m happy when I do more, then I feel more productive.”

Anna Profile


13 years old, Double Bass

“My students practice longer with 4usic. The option to put together a band over time is a motivational boost. For me, the app is no extra effort. Keep it up!”

Sabine Profile

Sabine Januschko

Teacher (Guitar, Recorder)

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